About Academic Advising

Mission Statement

Main Hall

Partnering with students to successfully navigate college.

Academic Advising is committed to the mission and vision of UCCS to advance knowledge, integrate student learning, and provide life-enriching experiences. 

Academic Advising provides high-quality, personalized, and comprehensive advising by partnering with students and the campus community to empower students to take ownership of their education and be successful in college.

Vision Statement

Students on Campus

Advising seeks to support and challenge students in their learning and development by:

  • Providing practical and developmental guidance that respects each student’s path
  • Facilitating student exploration and navigation of educational and personal goals
  • Developing strategies for student success in college and connecting students to opportunities and resources available for their growth
  • Helping students to develop self-authorship and personal responsibility and to value higher education as they engage in their educational journey

Department Values

We are Student-Centered, understanding that we exist for students and we work hard to appropriately support and challenge our students from orientation through graduation.

We are Inclusive, believing that all students should have access to equitable, safe, and supportive advising.

We are Collaborative, believing advisors must work closely with students and the campus community to connect students to faculty, resources, and opportunities available at UCCS.

We are Innovative, understanding that to achieve our mission we must continue to improve and evolve our office and our advising practices to better meet the needs of students and the campus community.

We are Relational, believing that students are best served by advisors who ask questions, get to know students and work with students beyond course selection.

We are Responsible to students, the campus, and to higher education, and will provide timely, accurate, intentional, and high-quality advising to students. We will always operate with integrity as ethical, professional, and respectful members of our UCCS and Academic Advising communities.

Academic Advisors at UCCS

The Academic Advisors at UCCS specialize in specific focuses of study to provide students with a highly-personalized experience.